Writing: The Process

Idea: Sleep
First step: Random words associated with the idea
Second step: Build each word into a list of phrases
Third step: Build the phrases into sentences

At some point, your thoughts will springboard into a creative writing process
and you can move safely away from the structured approach. When this happens,
run with it. When the running with it runs out, stop and return to your lists
for more inspiration.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Did you know?

There are currently 105,237 people in Australia who are homeless.

The rate of homelessness (which takes into account population density) is 49 out of every 10,000 people (0.5% of the population).

’That’s serious’ 

What if we held a sleep out?

One night on the street
I am a member of the SEE program at the Court Street TAFE centre and we are doing a project on homelessness in the Mid-Western areas and we want to establish the severity of the situation.

Having experienced homelessness myself in the area I know all too well how difficult this can be having no other option but to sleep outside let alone eat or drink - no amenities, nothing.
It would be greatly appreciated by everyone involved if you all would help us by raising awareness and tackling the issue head on.
So if you are real, then join us in our quest to raise awareness. The idea of holding a sleep out, would be an opportunity to document our efforts for the purpose of showing other people our experiences and what life is like when you’re sleeping rough. Our goal is to show you these experiences in the hope that we could to stop this problem in our community where people are continually “slipping through the cracks”.  So if you are serious about your Community and want to take action to stop others from being left out in the cold alone with nowhere to go, then, be brave and participate.  Help us make this issue known so it can be eliminated and no one else walks the road I have.  It might not directly affect you, but it is affecting our community and this is something we can do to stop it from holding us back in the bigger picture. If you’re with me, I challenge you to click through to our blog and vote YES!

All it would take would be a simple barbeque, a space for everyone like maybe Lawson Park and some simple fund raising – we’d take our students with cameras to document people’s choices and what life is like out there. We could show the video to schools. If you have a comfortable life to go home to you wouldn’t even have to stay out for the whole night – just come out and sit around the fire and have a yarn, hear people’s stories, find out what’s going on – sitting around a 44 gallon drum with timber and a fire, that’s what most hobos do - we’re not really asking for a large sum of money but you never know what you could attract, just by bringing people together in a close environment, you never know what discussions could take place, and how that could shape things in the larger picture.

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